If you ever meet a Gabriel, just know you will suffocate. As soon as you see him, walk the fuck away. Just look away from the horizon, ignore the shadow he casts. He has asthma, and claims to run for miles, when he's really running from the truth. He tries to get with girls, but he has no game. He takes testosterone supplements, which explains the boobs. But he can change, with a treadmill and some vitamins.
Uh oh, its fucking Gabriel. Hide your lunches.
by Ivana Fugalot September 11, 2020
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Gabriel is the most cringe worthy human u will ever lay eyes on. He acts all kind and friendly when there’s people around then once you two are left alone he attacks. Seriously mate go take a seat (or two) before some one gets injured. Cani ligu lie down with that James Charles haircut. You are a dispicable little leprechaun.
Mum: “you never know the value of a moment until it becomes a moment”
Gabriel: “HAHHAHAHA you’re so dumb”
Everyone: go away gabriel you dog
by Gabriel is a sausage plum fair September 27, 2019
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A man who is really gay who not good at dressing where’s revenge x storms and he usually has glasses but also is still really gay
Gabriel a gay cat
by Lakers824 March 12, 2020
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A dumb piece of shit who pretends he is hot shit and that he's so smart but really he has no personality and no mind of his own. Instead he clings to internet culture to make up all of who he is and all of what he thinks. He has a love for shitty memes, your ex girlfriend, dirty jokes, pretending he gets lots of sex, shitty rap music, jacking off to overwatch characters, being a smart ass loudmouth, and being a complete fuckboy. One day Gabriel is gonna grow up and realise he looks like a fucking troll and is nothing more than a blank slate for the dumb ass internet meme culture to fucking throw up on. In short (and i know i sound like a pissed old man saying this) Gabriel is everything wrong with kids these days.
by Vere_Shylah January 3, 2018
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A toxic ass mf who lies and starts drama between his friends for no reason. He will compare you to other people and tel you that you are always in the wrong. He victimizes himself all the time and will always pretend to be hurt. He is toxic and overall a bad person, and not only that but he is SELF AWARE. He brags about how bad he can get, don't trust him and especially don't fall for him.
"Hey I started talking to this new guy"
"Really? whats his name?"
"Girl, run"
by iabby June 19, 2020
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Gabriel loves rainbow so much he has 24 lollipops of them
by Dont know ok March 13, 2017
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