a descriptor, typically used to describe something/someone who is;

odd, out of the norm, or just plain stupid.
"did you see finns fuckass subaru?"

"I did! you can hear that heap from a mile away"
by September 28, 2023
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A person who is bigoted toward people who have experienced mental illness, or who use people's mental illnesses against them.
Elizabeth: "do you want to tell mom and dad why you stopped taking your mdications?"
Donnie: "You're such a fuckass!"
by Bono C January 31, 2017
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A man with such a perfect, sweet, hot fuckin asshole that even the straight man wonders, "Maybe in another life."
"Hey Jill, check that dude out."
"Who, fuckass over there?"
"I want a divorce."|
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Fuckass also known as Fukase, is a red head vocaloid with the best fucking design other than Oliver.
Person A: "Hey have you heard of Fukase?"

Person B: "Fukase? Do you mean Fuckass?"

Fukase from inside the phone: *high pitched screeching*
by Zoomer trash May 28, 2021
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this nigga matthew when he caps for pussy
This fuckass is really capping like dat.
by KUHKILLA October 3, 2019
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