An ideology of the far-left that is characterized by leftist nationalism, state totalitarianism, ethnic or political superiority, patronizing minorities, autarky, and expansionism.
The ideology of far-left fascism is very disgusting and immoral.
by Me Roboto April 8, 2022
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An ideology that believes in the supremacy of radicalized medicine, censorship, political antagonism, propaganda, mass surveillance, and other forms of suppression.
The supporters of medical social fascism are likely social media users.
by Yobberson April 7, 2022
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An ideology that believes in the supremacy of medicine, censorship, silencing of the opposition, mass surveillance, and other forms of suppression.
The dangerous belief in medical social fascism is there is a step closer to totalitarianism.
by Me Roboto April 7, 2022
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In a Fascist State, the government controls media, corporations, and influences public opinion for the Fascist Parties benefit.
In a Reverse Fascist State, Corporations control the government, media, and influence public opinion for Corporate benefit.
The United States is becoming a Corporatocracy influenced by Reverse Fascism- it is no longer a Democracy but instead a Flawed-Democracy as a citizens opinion does not hold the same weight or value as a corporate lobbyists.

Reverse Fascism is creating a Neo-Capitalist economic system.
by CoughCoffee March 15, 2022
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Theocratic fascism can be defined as a political, economic, and religious ideology that promotes the imposition of spiritual laws or cultural beliefs of a nation or territory through a fascist political system characterized by ultra-nationalism, authoritarianism, and autocracy. This political ideology is often associated with an autocratic country or territory that adheres to constitutional laws of theocracy or spiritual leadership.
"I don't like Irans government, I believe it promotes Theocratic Fascism"
by epiczander March 14, 2023
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Fascism is a right-wing, nationalist, authoritarian, imperialist ideology. Fascists seek a rebirth of a previous empire (e.g. Mussolini and the Roman Empire) by means of conquering other nations and “uniting” an ethnic people, via a strong military (i.e. a military cult). Fascist regimes tend to be led by a strongman leader, usually a dictator but can also be a monarch (e.g. Showa Japan). Fascists usually support a heavily centralized private economy but fascists can also be economically left (NazBol) or economically right (NazCap)
I will not stand for a president that’s sympathetic to fascism
by Cryo311 April 28, 2023
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