Gender Ecstasy is when one transgender/non-binary individual is finally happy with their appearance
Person 1: doesn’t wearing that binder hurt?

Person 2: It hides my breasts, which gives me gender ecstasy.
by Dick bender December 30, 2022
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Gender Ecstasy is when one transgender/non-binary individual is finally happy with their appearance
Person 1: doesn’t wearing that binder hurt?

Person 2: It hides my breasts, which gives me gender ecstasy.
by Dick bender December 30, 2022
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when one is on mdma and can't stop moving their arms in various waving patterns while dancing, as if they are swimming through the air.
look at that guy rolling, he's totally got those ecstasy arms.
by Raoul Duke IV June 30, 2013
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A classy way of saying sexual sounds coming from the bedroom!

Someone’s audibly climaxing during sex.

The sounds of ecstasy from your partner betwixt the sheets.
The symphony of ecstasy from their lips, was so loud it intrigued the neighbors . As I orally satisfied my partner to completion.
by Munkybear69 December 18, 2021
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a neurotoxic drug that totally drains your happy hormones within 6 hours, after effects include depression. literally fries your receptors and is neurotoxic. the wait period is 3 months inbetween but nobody gives a shit, real mdma has medical uses only in STRICT MEDICAL SUPERVISION such as a cure for PTSD. street ecstasy isnt mdma its just random shit put together with an unknown dose because dealers are assholes. idiots dont check whats inside with test kits and theres a chance of overheating and dying, people take this at EDM concerts because edm is shit without drugs now apparently. if you need drugs to enjoy music you shouldnt be listening to music

Sean: yo i bought this green ecstacy for 5 dollars its real bruh
James: fucking moron
by youlasty2 June 21, 2020
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A song that was released on SoundCloud around 2019 or so.

A slowed version of the song was posted on TikTok in 2021 and has recently been going viral.
Most known verses in ecstasy: “Sticking out your tongue for the picture. Ur so pretty, ur so popular. I just wanna be your sweetheart!”
by bighamsam20 October 22, 2023
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Any type of circular shaped Rx ADHD medication containing amphetamines. Usually used to refer to Adderall.
Guy 1: "Hey, are you rolling right now?"
Guy 2: "Nah I got jipped, that pill was just some Parnes Ecstasy. I'm gonna go home and study"

Guy 1: "Hey Parnes, try this ecstasy."
Parnes: "Sweet!"
Guy 1: (under his breath) "dumbass"
by docet thumper April 29, 2009
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