1. An unkempt or unclean vagina
2. An infected vagina
3. A combination of an unkempt or infected vagina commonly accompanied by an (yeast) infection due to neglect in hygiene or because of promiscuous intercourse
The doctor has diagnosed me with chunt. I am sorry it won't happen again-- You know I love you.
by Infected 1 October 26, 2003
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1. Another way of saying chubby cunt.
2. A baby bear and fish guts.
Yo Justin I heard you hooked up with that cubby chunt last night.
by yomomma8889 July 30, 2006
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A list of people you wish to exact your revenge on. They have done something that can be deemed as "chuntacular", and swift judgement is needed.
Fear my wrath, lest ye be placed on the chunt list.
by "Heavy" Flo March 14, 2004
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The spooge from a woman's vagina. Typically with at least some blood and cheesy discharge.
Tom: Can you believe that Courtney cunt chunted all over my sheets last night?
Greg: Hell yeah, I'd eat that shit up!
by chunt eater January 4, 2012
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the small area of skin between a womans cunt and asshole. Like a six pack holder.
I picked her up by her chunt and she wan't very happy..then she let out a queef that knocked me over.
by dingfuchingdong June 11, 2003
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A pussy that is fat and greasy like a female version of "chode"
Sam has a chunt dude!
by Madrox March 14, 2007
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Chunt is cunt munt, that is, any discharge from the vagina.
She pulled out her tampon and chunt went everywhere!

I fucked her and there was chunt on my cock!
by philandeddy February 6, 2009
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