The back pussy aka the anus, rectum, bunghole.

Her chuff was way too loose so I flipped her over and pounded her back chuff instead.

Rachel likes it in her back chuff.
by Eaton Holgoode May 21, 2018
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An affectionate term for a portly yet cheeky young child (usually male).
by Byron Chamberlain September 17, 2004
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A Buff Chuff relates to a womens vagina that is particularly good to look at, a fine example of the female sex organ.
"Your nan has a buff chuff for her age, Dave!"
by Louis Noteling April 8, 2006
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Insult/Swear word/Curse

Has links to Bum and Chuff, but is actually a special area around the Bum.

This word is worse than saying 'Cunt'
Boy playing computer:...1 more life left...ooh...oh...ah...woh....oh no! B*M CH*UFF!!!

Mother: What did you say!? Go to your room, you cunt!
by Gareth Babybel-Overlord Bird January 23, 2005
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A nugget of shit that gets stuck and entangled in the hairs around your ass hole. And when you remove it is a solid piece of shit with lots if hairs stuck in it. That is a chuff nugget!!!
I just pulled a huge Chuff Nugget out of my ass!!!
by Marky T & Lucy T July 25, 2010
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Person who unknowably has a pubic hair stuck in their teeth
Shut up chuff teeth, go play with your fuck stick
by gh Shocker75 July 23, 2005
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