A Brooklyn is sometimes sad but is very cheerful for her friends she hides and keeps to her self most of the time so because she dosen't know how to open up so the next time you see a Brooklyn become her bestfriend and help her through her hardest moments
Brooklyn: hey um I need to go. SO HAVE FUN GUYS!!
Random guy: what's wrong?
Brooklyn: Nope!!!
by Loveeee meeee fuckkkk yeahhh November 9, 2018
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Brooklyn is one of the most amazing person you will ever meet.She has a nice personality very caring.Kinda crazy but she is a great friend she is very chill.keep her forever
Dude:Hi brooklyn
Brooklyn:Hi dude
Dude:thx for being my friend
by ARandomDude_856 October 28, 2019
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Brooklyn is an amazing girl who can get anybody she want shes very very pretty. and the smartest thing even tho she doesn't think she is. she is very generous and has a very strong heart if you betray her get ready to be in for a ride because karma will kick you in the ass.
guy: damn is that Brooklyn

guy 2: hell yeah shes smoken hot
by aesthetic_hoe March 17, 2019
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Brooklyn is the absolute best person you will ever meet. She’s a bookworm and cheerful. With her long blonde hair and blue eyes she is striking. She’s incredibly weird but don’t you dare test her or her friends. Even though she ain’t got time for men any guy would be lucky to have her.
Rex: Whoaaa Brooklyn is so smart!
Missy: And weird! Such a Brooklyn!
by Robby-Mitchell May 1, 2018
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A Brooklyn is the MOST incredible person you will ever meet. She’s smart and a book warm. She’s cheerful and bright. With her blue eyes and long blonde hair she draws eyes wherever she goes. She’s super weird and quirky and tough as nails. Even though she’s got no time for men they all still pine after her. She stands by what she believes even if she’s all alone and won’t ever let anyway betray her or who she cares about.
Rex: Whoaaaaa she is such a Brooklyn!
Polly: I wish I was a Brooklyn.
by Robby-Mitchell May 1, 2018
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Brooklyn is a really really pretty girl and she is very sweet but also very honest. She’s very athletic and is very known in school. Brooklyn is jus a very love able person!
Hey have u heard of Brooklyn? She’s awesome!”
by Heyurthaturbanguy June 22, 2018
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The most hottest biy u will ever know super cute always nice and funny sometimes tall but usually refuskr size all girls like him even if u don’t know him true freind and will always be your favorite great at sports amd super fast one of the most popular kids at school and really smart and a kid u would always wanna hang out with
U know Brooklyn form school yewh I really like him or

Brooklyn is super cool and really good at sports
by Bboi1029 November 27, 2018
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