1. Vocalist/Keyboardist of the pop-rock band Panic! At The Disco, whom should be credited for his musical ability instead of his looks (or lack there of).

2. 19-year-old Las Vegas native; Mormon
Brendon Urie has a unique sense of style.
by Postmodern July 23, 2006
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A lead singer for pop punk band panic! At the disco
Pretty fucking hot
Married to Ryan Ross

Brallon was never real, just a phase
Ryan Ross is married to Brendon urie
by Juliabamse13 November 21, 2017
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Beebo is unexplainably beautiful and talented

He is married to the most beautiful woman,Sarah urie

Singer in Panic! At the disco
Brendon urie
by Garbagephan August 11, 2018
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A very good vocalist . Also he is the only member of a pop punk band called panic! At the disco and lastly he is a child of god
by Ale12 March 11, 2019
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Brendon Urie is a very rare species.he is commonly seen shirtless,screaming the word whore into a microphone and still refers to himself as panic! at the disco ,although the harsh reality is that he is the only remaining member of the band,but we don't comment,to make him feel better about himself.
random /irrelevant humanoid:who is that man with the insanely large forehead?
me,an intellectual :thats brendon urie...a daddy
by the superior cement July 19, 2019
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The forehead of lead singer and only actual member of Panic! at the Disco.

It's the largest thing in all of the galaxies. Literally looks like a satellite dish. You could land a plane on it. Smooth and shiny. It's abnormally large but without it he'd look fuckin' weird.
panic! at the disco fan 1: yo brendon urie's forehead is bigger than an elephant's ass

panic! fan 2: stfu. beebo is beautiful with his forehead

panic! fan 3: yeah well they finally found something to fill it. SICK ASS HORNS FOR EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES VIDEO!!!!
by violinist23 July 16, 2016
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The VERY attractive lead singer from panic at the disco's very luscious/sexy/big butt.
by pimptastic! April 9, 2008
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