The distinctive crack in a boy/man's voice when talking. Usually during the period while the voice is breaking.
by monk November 7, 2003
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The event in which fishnet stockings have a stich or two broken in when the fatty tissue is pushing thru therefore causing a blowout of flesh.
That overwieght burlesque dancing was dancing so hard she caused a fishnet blowout!
by Mr. Lemons May 26, 2010
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When your cock gets so hard it implodes on its self while you butter up the potato
Damn babe you got penile blowout!

I had too run too the docta cause my penis blew up and fell off
by Blownbell66 March 20, 2022
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When you finally sit down on a toilet after holding your shit for so long and you unleash hell into the toilet and that one really big explosion of air and shit that was building up pressure explodes all over the toilet bowl. Toilet bowl usually appears as if someone threw mud all over the toilet bowl.
Alright which one of you had the ASS BLOWOUT?
I'm not gonna tell you guys again and again! If you take a shit and you have an ASS BLOWOUT,
Clean it up!
by ODDwithaTinthefront June 30, 2021
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An orgy of tandem blowjobbing, normally a sexual act pertaining to those of the homosexual persuasion and usually done in groups of 5 or more. the use of the word 'brooklyn' is descriptive of the rough and savage manner in which this act is executed.
"Dude, i went to gay hank's apartment last weekend, and we had a brooklyn blowout! i got my dick wet by 4 other guys bro!"--or--"bro, my dick hurts from that brooklyn blowout last night. Tell sneezer to stop dragging his teeth man. that shits not cool."
by Deecerona Squeeze September 21, 2006
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The act of having diarrhea and puking at the same time, which requires the two ends of your body to cooperate against you.
Joe was soooo sick, he had a Bipartisan Blowout.
by Carl Stawicki February 3, 2009
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When two Brazilian Transvestites are having sex and one gives the other a pink sock.
I was watching some Brazilian tranny porn i found and i almost puked when i saw the Brazilian Blowout at the end!
by Coyote79 October 4, 2010
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