The main reason a lot of men are single.
Joe: Hey Billy, do you want to go see a movie with Brianna? Billy: Hell no man, I'd much rather play my Xbox 360 then do any form of social activity.
by :) 22 January 8, 2013
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The new and improved Xbox 360 from Microsoft.
The new Xbox 360 Elite is black, and totes a 120gb Hard Drive
by blaack11 April 13, 2007
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The unyielding belief that the Xbox 360 is the best console, and no other can touch it. This of course, is only based upon the monopoly of exclusive games that the console has due to Microsoft's ass-loads of cash that they throw to developers, so that consumers are only left with one choice of console. The 'fanboys' completely disregard system performance, graphics, and other notable features that the other consoles have, and simply focus on the fact that "Halo is the best". They typically claim that the Xbox 360 is better because it has Xbox Live, and forget the fact that Microsoft charges for simple things like pictures and changing your name.
Scenario 1: Ps3 Owner "Hey dude, I just got a ps3 today and I'm watching my movies and playing my games on Blu-Ray HD!"

Xbox 360 Fanboy "Dude why would you waste your money on that when you could be playing Halo?!?!?!?!!!"

Scenario 2: Ps3 Owner "Hey, I just went online and downloaded a new theme for my Ps3 for free, then I decided I wanted to change my name to BawlsOut69!"
Xbox 360 Fanboy "Yeah well, I just did to! For 560 Microsoft points of course!" (About 6$)
by I OWN ALL THREE CONSOLES. November 7, 2009
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his lips are so big that you can hear them slap together when he talks. his forehead is so big that if you touch it your hand be lost within his headtop. his head is so shiny and bald that if you rub it a genie will come out of his mouth. he eats grass
2 inch dick guy: Have you seen that new kid?
3 inch dick guy: Yes, hes such a XBOX 360 MIC!
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The Christians of the gaming industry. i.e, they ignore the facts.
Xbox 360 Fanboy: OMG HALO!!!111!!!!1!! PS3 SUX!!!!!!!1!!!
Playstation owner: You guys may have Halo, but we have MGS4, Uncharted 2, Gran Turismo 5...
Xbox owner: THEY ALL SUCK!!!!1!!
Playstation owner: ...Have you even played them...?
Xbox owner: Um... no...
Playstation owner: Also, PS3's processor is much more powerful than the Xbox's, and the Blu-rays hold eight times the amount of data the Xbox's DVDs hold... and-
Xbox: -covers ear with hands- NONONO! SHUT UPP! HALO!!!! XBOX RULES!!!!1!!!!!11!!!
by yayplaystation May 19, 2011
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This is what people call the new Xbox 360 model. However, it is NOT an Xbox 360 Slim. It's just a different model of the Xbox 360. I mean really, how much slimmer is it than the originals? You do the measuring.
by RagingGuy456123 July 28, 2010
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The new 360 that shits on the ps3
I was playing my Xbox 360 kinect and raped babies
by Blade1321 June 15, 2010
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