A heart symbol. Oftentimes used with an object within it, such as <icecream3, meaning that the person loves ice cream. Alternative use: <3 icecream, icecream <3
by Trafton August 2, 2003
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A Geek heart, an ascii representation of a heart.
I <3 you Riceball (a somewhat mushy example)
by Jammypants March 3, 2009
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Heart, Love

Most commonly used in text to show one's affection towards somone or somthing.

A common way to replace the word 'love' or 'heart' usually throught text or internet profile comment.
i <3 you

i <3 friday

i <3 to dance
by Friday the Boog.e Monster December 19, 2009
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it is so a tear with buttcheecks!!
turn ur head to the left and then that's what it looks like!! i ain't stupid.
uhh... i don't have an ex. <3
by name.... March 1, 2009
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1. a visual depiction of a penis
2. a visual depiction of a heart
3. to love
4. to hump
by gogg April 25, 2003
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This has many meanings.
Some common ones are Less than three <3, a sideways heart <3 (normally meaning love), and a face <3.
The < is the eyes/eyebrows, in a.. well, happy position. Kinda. And the mouth, 3, is like an animal mouth. Kinda.
Such as :3, =3, ;3, and so on.
But basically, whether a heart or a happy face, the meaning usually comes out as love or happiness.
Ad more threes and exclamation marks to show that the emotion is more.
I <3 Kitties.
omgz! <333!! Thankyooo!
Less than three <3 and more than one >1
by mii November 1, 2004
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