A dirty Caribbean, isn't a person, should die , only lives on the coast, constantly covered in sand or dirt
Jack sparrow is a salt monkey
by Pbdjakfbdkd December 13, 2022
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A slur for a person who has a fake problem.
His manager was pissed because he shook the salt over the fries at 4 inches instead of six. Dumbass muh fukkiiiiin salt shaker.
by Muh fukiiiiinnnn February 7, 2022
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A sex act where a woman is riding a Male, standing reverse cowgirl style. The man then creampies her and she then starts to twerk shaking all the sperm out of her like a salt shaker.
Kyle-"bro I was fuckin this girl and came in her and then she started to do the salt shaker everywhere"
by Oqeefe July 1, 2019
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A synonym for someone who is a hater. Someone who hates on you, (or your outfit, hair, in a general conversation, etc.) or pisses you off. Can also be used as an alternative to f*** and in a joking manner.
Jimmy: “Hey, do you like my painting?”

Juan: “No. It looks like shit.”
Jimmy: “You’re a fucking salt shaker.”
by uɐǝq October 13, 2020
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When you act as if you are sprinkling salt in your mouth when you are actually sucking on………..something………inappropriately
by Elizabeth Bonnet March 30, 2022
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When a girl shakes after being shagged/fingered.
Man 1: aye I linked with Emily last night
Man 2: bro is she a salt shaker
Man 1: yeah and a water pistol
by Nobman October 25, 2020
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When you meet a girl off the dating app Salt but don't know how to define your relationship
Me and that girl are Salting real hard at the moment
by Willjon February 7, 2022
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