The flops are a well known, fit boy band that consists of full flop, mr flop, half flop, quarter flop and Taylor flop. They all share a passion for flops as you can tell by their names. We all love the flops especially when they sing their biggest hit 9to5
by I💖building March 27, 2015
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If a man if wearing flip flops is wearing a pair of black socks with them it means he gay flip flop with socks
by Wollywonkaa September 23, 2020
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When a woman cries rape after consenting to sex.
Beware of Tessa she a rape flopping hoe.
by ROBEMAN March 13, 2018
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In welsh called a flickity flop
U would use this to flickity flop the small sun in your room and u would flopity flick it off
Josh-"OI John go flick on the flickity flop I cant see anything with out the small sun on"
John-"Alright where is the switch"
by INAMEIS JORGE September 1, 2021
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An HD video recording device similar in style to the popular Flip Cam, but of a different brand, or off-brand.
John: "Is that a Flip Cam?"
Mark: "Nah, this is a Flop Cam. I couldn't afford the real deal."
by DashMonster August 7, 2010
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when breaking in new flip-flops, and the top part where it makes a "V" rubs against the top of your foot thus giving u a hickey in the top of your foot
"u've got somethign on your foot there"

"nah just my flip-flop hickey"
by kiddo19 April 15, 2009
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This particular belly flop encompasses the traditional belly flop with the addition of stomach slapping, gestures and verbalized bravado proclaiming himself to be a profound belly flopper and often challenging other belly floppers to a belly flop dual.
My Bossman Flop was off the hook! it was the mother of all belly flops! I challenge anyone to out belly flop me! The above statements are normally made at the sametime as strutting around like a rooster and slapping one's belly with their hands.
by Jamesamw June 6, 2017
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