When you and a buddy are double poundin a bitch and you stick a cold buttplug in her ass right as the dude hittin it from the front cums causing cum to shoot out her nose from the shock of the cold buttplug in her ass
"me and a homie were double pounding this bitch and right as I was cuming he hit her with the alaskan snow dragon"
by trdbear March 18, 2023
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when you ejaculate in a persons anus and they shit at the same time.
you man my girl pulled the Alaskan chilliDog on me

oh dear god no
by the Alaskan everything... February 24, 2016
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To be used while brushing your teeth and shitting: spitting your toothpaste onto the toilet paper before wiping.
Why are you crying?

I just used an Alaskan wet-wipe

What’s cooler than being cool?
An Alaskan wet-wipe
by Tim the word man July 2, 2023
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While your partner is giving you head you break her nose, right before you jizz in her mouth, causing her to bleed. Once you cum in her mouth, tape it and blow pepper in her face, causing her to sneeze the cum through her nose bleed. and there you've got an alaskan volcano.
Karlo: Yo matt! did you give Sam an Alaskan Volcano?

Matt: Yeah but I had to bring her to the emergencies to fix her nose...
Karlo: That sucks
by SWAGMAN78 March 9, 2016
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A pure ice and fire sensation leaving any girl with the best orgasam in their life. Using icy-hot and applying to your Dick then penetrating the clitoris.
Hey jimmy, "I just did an Alaskan volcano with Rachel last night".
by Jackalope January 21, 2017
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When you piss on someone's pillow, then put it in the freezer and then assault the person whom owned the pillow with their newly frozen treat
The bastard stole my pitching wedge so I gave him an Alaskan Lemonade Stand when I was over last.... He gave it back.
by LeStranger Danger May 7, 2022
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An Alaskan margarita begins with deepfreezing a cylindrical smelly piece of shit. After a few hours, once it's rock-solid, stick it half way up your partner's butt. The last step is to urinate on the emerged part of the shitberg while placing a margarita glass to recuperate the cocktail.
"I think I got frostbites on my ass because of last night's Alaskan margarita"
by Mr fingers August 4, 2017
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