In order to look busy, the lasy computer user just shuffles windows around his desktop with the odd grunt and sigh as if he/she is working hard.
Oh look at him doing nothing and just desktop shuffling.
by mattyp01 August 10, 2017
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When listening to a music library or playlist on shuffle, the songs you don't know well or would not normally listen to, are known as shuffle buffer.
I was listening to my music on random when I hit a shitton of shuffle buffer. Where the hell is the stuff I know?
by Codieaaron May 28, 2013
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To have sex with a burgess and love it.
Shes got the burbuss shuffle!
by Tjigfahfi December 30, 2022
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The act of brisk walking across Columbia Road on University Avenue in the frozen tundra aka Grand Forks, North Dakota in the middle of winter going to class. Usually practiced when trying to make the light and is a substitute for running so one does not slip with his/her backpack.
{Man slips in the middle of the intersection spilling his bag}

Chris: If he was smart, he would have just done the columbian shuffle.

Ann: Way to icy out to be running across like that...
by Gypsie Nomad May 6, 2010
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If you can, To take your best friend’s cum filled condom, pull the cum side out and fuck his drugged sister with it.
My best friend been fucking my wife. So, I Las Vegas Shuffled his sister.
by Dankboymemes May 16, 2020
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When one has to deficate in a public restroom and realizes the toilet paper dispenser is empty after they have deficated, the person then proceeds to stand up (typically with pants down around their ankles or pulled up loosely to prevent poo-residue from getting on their trousers) open the stall door and shuffle to the next available stall in hopes of finding a stall with a toilet paper dispenser that has an adequate amount of toilet paper.
“Bro-when I went to take a shit I didn’t realize there wasn’t enough TP before it was too late, I had to do the Shithouse Shuffle so I could clean my cornhole
by MM197 October 5, 2018
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A condition of a raver when they can't get out of the same dance move.
Man that dude's got the shuffle Itis. It's contagious. I don't wanna catch that shit. I'm a shuffle-free dancer.
by Julio-Maximus July 30, 2019
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