Football is a sport (no sh!t Sherlock)

It’s the best and most entertaining sport EVER
and the best player in football is Lionel Messi
Guy 1: hey wanna play football?
Guy 2: sure
Guy 1: 🏈

by alexdevries January 5, 2022
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A game where grown men fight over a ball
by November 8, 2022
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Woosers kicking a ball around then kissing eachother
You should not need to use the word football ever again now you know the definition.
by DrAxolotl February 6, 2021
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Football is when you think you have appendicitis but you actually have testicular cancer so you shove you foot up your balls.
Let’s watch some football!
by joeypig1108 August 9, 2022
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the sport where you kick a ball and pretend to D I E when someone touches you're ear
football player 1: (touches ear)
football player 2: (drops to the ground and pretends he got ran over) AAAHHHH MY EVERYTHING!!!
football player 1: wtf?
referee: that's not a fault
football team 2 fans: WHAT THE FUCK THAT'S TOTALLY A FAULT!!!!!
by burgerking footletuce November 30, 2018
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The little bitches version of rugby if they can’t handle pain like real men
Football is such a pussy sport for bitches
by Bigbossboris September 18, 2018
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