by fat kirby June 30, 2021
by Your a door knob September 16, 2017
by Macdaddyrob June 11, 2021
by Urbanrebel3001 February 6, 2017
Female anatomy (vagina) that lets 99% of the male species get their turn. . . Most female door knobs can only survive off of Dust Off.
"hey bro, have you had your turn? I know of this door knob where you can get your turn all the time!"
by Ran Through It May 15, 2015
Dude, there was glass everywhere, cars on fire, total mayhem and she decides to give me Kenosha Knob Job. It was epic.
by Trophy1 November 17, 2021
A phrase coined shortly after the landslide victory of the Labour party in 1997. It was used at the time to describe the groundbreaking tactic of Labour MPs to acrrue vital votes from self proclaimed "lads", a vital voting block at the time.
Now, however, it's typically used to describe any fellatio that is preformed with a particular level of vigor.
Now, however, it's typically used to describe any fellatio that is preformed with a particular level of vigor.
by Gobark123 April 4, 2020