When a girl asks for dick pics in return for her nudes but, instead does not send her nudes.
Chloe is knob fishing.
She is a knob fisher
by Tman654 December 21, 2018
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Any male who frequents a glory hole whilst infected with gohnorrhea
We were all having a good time at the Bent Spoon last night until the dirty knob showed up and got us all sick
by sudowooodo October 12, 2022
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A control stick for a video game console that has been coveted in Flamin' Hot Cheetos residue. Normally handed directly to an unsuspecting individual by a friend who has recently consumed Flamin' Hot Cheetos.
God dammit Dominic!! You've created a dirty knob! How am I supposed to play metal gear solid now??
by herbertdroo October 12, 2022
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Any fan or enthusiast of films or television shows featuring American actor Rob Schneider
I can't believe Dominic is a dirty knob. Doesn't he know Rob Schneider hires the migrant workers at Lowes to choke him while he pleasures himself?
by herbertdroo October 12, 2022
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This is when a person is performing oral sex on a male and because they are skittish just work the knob of the penis.
Friend 1: How was the blowjob?
Friend 2: Better than nothing they just sucked in

the head?
Friend 1: Ah man I hate Knob Gobblins!
by Noremac1981 December 24, 2020
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The act of two or more bald males rubbing their hairless heads together in a friendly manner as a sign of greatness in the name of baldness.
Those bald-headed guys are knobbing to show their approval of their masculinity.
by BaldMursesUnited September 14, 2023
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A blow job in a car wash but must include the rainbow foam
Stacy gave me a shiny knob on Tuesday; my tires look great, too!
by BeefyGorditaBoi February 18, 2018
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