To get drunk or so fucked up that one will try and get off with anything that happened`s to move, no matter how old or inanimate.
"man you better not do another J-Maine tonight, that was so out of order last night man!!"
by craigie babie January 30, 2008
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an ultimate terroriser who wreaks havoc upon the inhabitants of a local town
andy please teach me ur main T ways
by ladiesman435 June 2, 2010
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When someone thinks that they're always the smartest, toughest, prettiest or just the most interesting person in the room without actually being able to back it up.
"Why does Alyssa always talk so loud? It's like she wants the people next door to hear her, too."
"Just try to ignore her, she has Main-Characteritis."
by Dirtball Supreme September 2, 2021
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Raging homosexual who likes grinding his peepee on random people in public. Also a virgin, unless you take his affairs with his uncle into account. Also to be refered to as a soyboy.
Guy 1: That guy seems like a chill guy!

Guy 2: No way he's Broke Main, he'll try to grind on you.
by Urbanguy12313123 October 5, 2018
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A town in Central Maine that people from Boston go through to get to Quebec City. Someone once robbed the bank there with a sledgehammer.
HEY! Wanna go to Bingham Maine to watch the gas station get broken into?!
by KRISTIANtheBIGBALLER June 15, 2018
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A town between Quebec Canada and Boston MA. Someone robbed the bank here with a tool hammer.
Hey! Wanna go to Bingham Maine to see the gas station get broken into four the fourth time in a row!?
by KRISTIANtheBIGBALLER June 15, 2018
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