A Town In Austria.

Fucking, Austria
I used to live in Fucking Austria
Dude! Mind the language! There's little kids here!
by the pussy destroyer May 22, 2015
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When a penis is going in and out of a vagina or anus.
I was fucking her pussy last night! Shit was good wet.
by MikeJray7 June 25, 2015
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1. to screw
2 to thrust a mans penis in and out of a vagina.
oh oh oh oh baby keep fucking me! harder!HARDER!!!!!!!!DAMMIT!
by ashleyann July 18, 2005
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Opposite the shit. Something extremely bad or idiotic; latter half must be shouted, despite location (e.g. subway, public restroom, post office, court of law, COPs (the TV show), supermarket, classroom, movie theatre, etc.)
You: Cool, someone on urbandictionary.com just gave my definition of the fuck a thumbs up! I'm the shit!
Me: (sarcasm) Yea, becuase living your life through an online dictionary is cool.
You: Don't be jealous because I'm the shit.
Me: I'm not jealous that your the shit. I'm laughing because you're the fuck.
You: omfgroflmaobbqbatmanjuggler!
by Ima G. Reatlay March 17, 2005
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