he’s built like a sOoCeR ball and rolls like one too
Lucas bidgood is a hog sOoCeR ball
by Patty363727288227 April 27, 2023
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A good friend, who likes to skate, BMX, go downtown and hang out with friends. Has two cats. (unfortunate part of his personality :(
Lucas koch and me hung out downtown today.
by Celtics4championship September 24, 2020
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A good friend who likes to skate, BMX and hang out with the boys. Honor roll student. Has two cats (unfortunate part of his personality :()
Lucas koch and me hung out downtown today.
by Celtics4championship September 24, 2020
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is madly affectionate and friendly towards the male genatailia. Athough Lucas syndrome can riegn over anyone,
Lucas's are most effect by it.
I might have lucas syndrome. What do I do?
I got lucas syndrome again. Bruh *monki flip*

Man I bring such affection and friendlyness towards the male genatailia

Oh my god, I lost my kid, can anyone find him?
by ohmygodronnie2829 October 21, 2022
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This comment is usually left by Hispanic (?) Lumi’s/OT23 Nctzens aka Lucas stans, most of the time this comment is brought up on OT22 Nctzens posts which don’t mention Lucas at all.
Veronika: **Posts a TikTok praising Taeyong**
Lumi: “Uno de Lucas 🥺💚”
by Sungchanism October 4, 2022
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referring to a person in a group that acts very fruity but is indeed the straightest one there
“bro he’s a total Lucas😈 he sucked my dick last night.” “yeah but he’s straight?”
by LY20640 August 30, 2022
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Luca is the cutest baby in the world

Chubby cute monster
From Mason
PS: This is for my brother
Luca Roberts, I hope you do well in your surgery today
by Iknowfacts March 10, 2022
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