OBSESSED with pene, usually presides in all types of people, Lucas is a prime example.
Guys, I think I might have Lucas Syndrome! What should I do?
My Lucas Syndrome is acting up again! What shall I ever do?
by Anon Popo June 19, 2021
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A situation in which sci-fi movies often sacrifice good-quality acting and a coherent story in order to milk in the special effects
Movies that suffer from George Lucas Syndrome are:

Star Wars Prequel Trilogy (Episodes I-III)

Steven Spielberg's Minority Report

Matrix Sequels
by LK47 April 3, 2006
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is madly affectionate and friendly towards the male genatailia. Athough Lucas syndrome can riegn over anyone,
Lucas's are most effect by it.
I might have lucas syndrome. What do I do?
I got lucas syndrome again. Bruh *monki flip*

Man I bring such affection and friendlyness towards the male genatailia

Oh my god, I lost my kid, can anyone find him?
by ohmygodronnie2829 October 21, 2022
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