The current President of The United States of America, most people refer to him as a "Jackass", or they just laugh at the thought of his name. Mr. Bush he is, what some people like to call, Meantally Challanged.
President George W. Bush is a Freaking Moron!!!!!!!
by Connor McC. April 12, 2006
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A man who does what he believes is right. One who sticks with his policies, does not change on a whim, just so he can win a popularity contest (unlike John Kerry). Tells the truth to the American people and is one of the few people in a position to defend this country, which he has done honorably. Went to Yale, and recieved an MBA from Harvard. Has a lovely wife, Laura Bush. Would have been ridiculed if he hadn't gone into Iraq anyway. The first president who has had to, for the first time, deal with an American society clearly showing the signs of decay. For example, the endless anti-Bush, Bush-hater spin that people employ, which has no factual basis and is clearly is rampant disregard for analysis and respect for the office of the presidency. President Bush will be critizied if he destroys Irans nuclear facilities, or will be critizied in the future (after a Nuclear War/WW3) for not hitting the Iran's nuclear facilities. It really doesn't matter what he does, the democrats/liberals will still deface him, for they have nothing better to do. Good luck people.
President George "W" Bush was right in the fact that Iraq had Weapons of Mass Destruction, for it is quite obvious that they were shipped to Syria before the U.S. led Coalition invasion.
by M. Pinckney January 23, 2007
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Lord, people who don't respect their leaders should be the ones with war on the hands.
"George sure solved that Saddam issue, i don't see any of you doing that."

Go Bush!

Fuck the Hippies they should all be mowed down in a tank like at Tinaman Square, Fuck You!
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The 43rd and one of the greatest U.S. Presidents of modern times. The liberals really should grow a pair and stop whining when your President actaually fights back after the country is attacked.
God bless you, George W. Bush.
by FreakyLocz14 May 2, 2009
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scapegoat for all problems arising during the early 2000's, due mainly to his distinct southern accent and propensity for stepping on the toes of ignorant liberals who don't understand the fact that the president has absolutely no power over things like the economy.
"George W. Bush instigated the 9/11 attacks with his illogical foreign policies"

"dude, for one, he had only been in office a few months, his foreign policies hadn't even had time to take effect. Second, we actually started having troubles with al qaeda during the clinton administration
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So we'll hate him;

Because he can take it.

Because he's not our hero.

He's a silent guardian,

a watchful protector.

A dark knight.
The movie "The Dark Knight" was an allegory of George W. Bush's presidency.

GWB = Batman.
by best ud def poster February 24, 2010
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A human being trapped inside of an enormous ladybug; a rocket.
When I stepped on the ladybug, George W. Bush fell out, then whisked away into planetary orbit. Nas was there.
by Drew Drew Drew September 21, 2007
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