A man with a large gut due too his frequant binges on Cheeseburgers. often eating in excess of 15 cheeseBurgers.
Notable Cheeseburger Walrus is "Randy" from Canadian cult classic Trailer Park Boys
"I called Randy a Cheeseburger Walrus" - Cory
"How many Cheeseburgers have u drivin into that gut today you frigging Cheeseburger walrus?"
by Tarukane July 11, 2007
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When a girl with a large butt is wearing a thong. The girl then bends over making her thong and butt visible to all.
Person 1 - "Kait can you pick up the KFC you dropped".
Kait - "Ok, but be forewarned I am wearing low cut jeans and a thong even though I have a large ass".
Person 2 - "Looks like Kait is flossing the Walrus again. You think she'd get the hint and wear the proper cloths for her body type".
by The Keeper of Realness October 25, 2009
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Someone who's intensely, happily sated, such as after great food or sex, to the point that they can't do anything more than flop around.

(As used by Elsa Moriarty in cracked.com's "The 6 Most Counterproductive PSAs of All Time")
"You're spent after most anything fun, from sex to exercise to an intense round of Mega Man 2. That satisfied, post-coital and -foodal period is one of the best parts of the experience -- when every desire has been sated, and you're so happy you can do nothing but flop around like an endorphin walrus."
by Grinning Cat February 3, 2012
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The bestest animal in the world? It likes to juggle and drink Orange juice. It has small tusks cause they are different than normal walruses.
Jerica: "Hey Priya are you drunk?"

Priya: "nope" *trips on flat surface*

Jerica: "your such a magenta walrus!!" LMAO
by ImmaMagentaWalrus August 17, 2010
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When a guy takes a dump into a condom, ties it at the end and put's it in the freezer then takes it out to use as a dildo on a girl.
'Dude, that guy just gave that girl a Rusty Walrus'
by myface89 November 11, 2009
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The act of smoking through the anal sphincter.

Not necessarily associated with sexual intercourse.
-Did you see that old school video i recommended you?
-Oh, the one where that stripper makes a Jamaican walrus on stage? That was amazing!
by hekiw October 5, 2018
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