A noun used to refer to everybody since, at one point in time, we all swam in our dad’s nuts
Hey! What are you nut swimmers up to?
by Hispandican & Lil Hispandican January 19, 2022
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An Australian $10 note. Blue: because of it's blue colour, and Swimmer: because of the watery theme layed down with the AU$20 note Lobster
Cobber 1: "Hey mate, i'm short a coupla bucks, you got a fiver spare?"
Cobber 2: "Nah mate, i've only got a blue swimmer"
by Capt_Bat June 14, 2010
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The act of a man blowing a load into the face of an unexpecting victim.
I was so pissed the first time I got Swimmers Ear.
by OHMF January 7, 2012
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A polite way of saying that somebody is a homosexual or "fag".
If you happen to start to call somebody a "fag" and then realize you would only get glares and silence in return, you can resort to saying fast simmer, if you have not pronounced the "G".
Aw, Tyler? He's such a Fa-a-a-sst swimmer...

Adam's coming over? Isn't he a Fast Swimmer? Not that there's anything wrong with that...
by TheGigglyStreetGang July 22, 2010
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Derogatory term for the white man who continues to oppress my people on the reg. Alternately, one who swims in soup, ie. a cracker.
"Man, the jury ain't nothin' but a bunch of soup swimmers! And I thought they suppose to be my peers!"

"Man, you all ain't nothin' but a bunch of peezy headed soup swimmin' ass nappy hair havin' cracka' motha' fuckas'!"
by Muiz the mighty migrant November 14, 2005
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What all humans are before they are fertilized eggs. Human sperm cell.
"I was doin that when you were still a sack swimmer!"
by JB McDuffie June 13, 2007
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When a guy pulls his nuts out as far as they can go and places them on a females head, thus looking like a swimmers cap.
The Swimmers Cap
by Dastardly July 29, 2008
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