The act of sharing ones chapstick with his/her friends.
Savannah: "Oh my god, did you see how Kelly passed her Blistex around to all of her friends during lunch?"

Sam: "Ugh, I know. What a Chapstick Swinger."
by He's Electric September 30, 2010
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The Malinga Swinger was created by the cricket bowler Lasith Malinga, in which the bowler swings his arm out very low to the side when released. It is very unorthodo, looks bad and is quite inaccurate, but it is very quick and powerful.
Guy 1: Did you see Oscar bowl?

Guy 2: yeah, it was a real Malinga Swinger
by yoyo513315 May 6, 2015
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The act of swinging among at least 4 people swapping saliva, pussy juice, cum and ass juice with sweat.
We were at that swinger party and there was swinger juice everywhere on the bed.
by Turbo Thrust January 18, 2022
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This type of swinging doesn't involve any real sexual contact. Is usually limited to dancing, flirting, kissing, and light petting with people outside of their own relationship with neither partner getting jealous.
"I can't believe Dan isn't mad that Julie sat on my lap and kissed me!"

"Ahh don't worry about it, dude. They're softcore swingers, they both do this all the time. Just don't expect it to go any farther"
by Nas_tees April 18, 2010
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v. intr.

To travel as a group from one place to another, with each group member driving his own car.
"Let's hop into the pimp-daddy mobile and roll to the party."
"Naw. Let's go swingers-style."
by Ytse August 12, 2005
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When a song is so good that one can't help but to dance when they hear it.
*Welcome to Miami starts playing*
"Ayyo, this shit right here is a real dick swinger"
by broseidon42069 June 4, 2018
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A player, a man who sleeps with many women or has done so in the past.

Origin: the poem "Birches" by Robert Frost where there is a line that goes "one could do worse than be a swinger of birches" but someone swapped birch for bitch and a new slang phrase was born.
Greg is a total swinger of bitches, he slept with Tara and Meghan in the one night. What the hell?
by meangreenmememachine July 18, 2016
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