A newer version of the phrase "and then I found ten dollars", incorporating the victory of the Green Bay Packers in Superbowl XLV.

This phrase adds excitement to a story when it obviously ends abruptly and with no point.
-"I was watching this really funny commercial the other day, I guess you had to be there..."


-... and then the Packers won the Superbowl"

-"Aww really? Fucking sweet!"
by and by February 7, 2011
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When you have to poop and you want to warn the people around you. Browns=Poop. Superbowl=Toilet
"Oh man, Taco Bell really messed me up earlier. Im gonna go take the Browns to the Superbowl"
by studlymuffin March 25, 2010
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a football fan's way of saying "i have to take a dump."
Guy 1: "Where are you going? It's fourth down and inches!"
Guy 2: "Sorry, but i really need to go drop the browns off at the superbowl."
by CodyNorris January 28, 2009
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