A similar type of conversation as a Blanket Statement, only this time it is not a statement at all and is instead an action where the one making the statement will suffocate (usually by a pillow) said person(s) being approached; A less broad statement than the Blanket Statement, but a stronger way to send a message.
Guy: Look, I'm sorry man, I just don't get it.
Girl: If you don't get how I'm feeling, how about I lay it out to you in a Pillow Statement.
Guy: The hell is a Pillow Statement. And, no thanks.
Girl: That wasn't a question.
by Gbunny81 July 23, 2022
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a phrase you wouldn't want to hear. This applies to phrases like " you're short of a dollar" in a supermarket when buying alcohol.
" waste statement, i have an umbrella at home" when stuck in a rainstorm..
by fah_Kardi January 31, 2014
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A statement only Dzerla would say.
B : "A computer."
A : "No."
B : "Then who?"
A : "Peter."
B : "Well Peter IS a computer."
A : "That's such a Dzerla statement."
by MuffinDealer June 17, 2022
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the department that makes political statements
I was refered to the statement department so they could tell the the statement I wanted to hear.
by Mr. Statement generator July 10, 2010
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A bro statement is a form of statement made online where the speaker begins with the word "bro" to refer to a living subject and follows with a description of a certain action they performed or trait they exhibit. Bro statements are used to point out a trait or action that is humorous in nature and worthy of some level of criticism, either presenting mild, unserious judgment of a trait or action considered weird or goofy, or complete ridicule of a disliked trait or action. Traditionally, bro statements are followed by skull emojis, normally two, to express laughter, and sometimes feature one normal laughing emoji, most likely the tilted variant, to accompany the skull emoji or emojis. Rarely will a bro statement with emojis have only laughing emojis, but they do exist.

A variant of the bro statement is the lil bro statement, where the speaker begins with "lil bro", or in formal spelling, "little bro". Lil bro statements are mainly used for serious ridicule, calling the subject "little" in a malicious manner, although unserious lil bro statements do exist.
Examples of Bro Statements:
- "Bro skipped leg day ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
- "bro got negative rizz ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
- "bro just admitted to watching hentai ๐Ÿ’€"
- "bro got that Marge Simpson haircut ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
- "lil bro is built like Gollum from Lord of the Rings ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
- "bro is mad ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€"
by DarkPandaLord May 3, 2023
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An overrated LED light, usually green, that is apparently only good looking on Midland weather radios.
by RammerSTi October 15, 2023
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A false claim dat you hadda paddle your boat rather than just using your motor.
Given how unreliable da infamous "Sears Rowback" outboard putt-putt was, I seriously doubt dat there were really all dat many errowneous statements made by said motors' owners.
by QuacksO December 9, 2020
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