1. The stance a girl may use to help slide a tampon in more easily.

2. The stance Captain Morgan is doing on a bottle of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum.
1. I use the Captain Morgan Stance to insert my tampon. How do you?

2. Man1: Why does that guy have his foot up on the keg? Man2: Hes doing the Captain Morgan Stance. Hes got the captain in him.
by Colonel Dougherty September 1, 2009
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the art of jumping to a stand still while swaying back and forth as if you were on a surf board. a killer dance for you and yours.
Iron Maiden - The Trooper is on, let's bust out the romano warrior stance.
by durrrrr June 26, 2008
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The Public Bathroom Stance is that pose you do when you’re in a beach or park bathroom, and everything stank so bad that you don’t dare to touch that seat. It typically looks like a light squat with your legs further apart.
Look at Sarah right now, why does she stand like that?
Yea man, she’s always in Public Bathroom Stance.
by big gangsta :0 March 18, 2022
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When two gentlemen's, or sirs', are standing close enough to where their stomachs touch. The way you perceive gentleman or sir varies on the size of each's gut.
Tom and Bob have gotten into an argument and are face to face yelling at each other. Little do they know their stomachs' are touching. Thus, in a gentlemen's stance/dance stance.
by WaKe July 25, 2012
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An ancient pose used by the hip hop & break dancing community in the 80's. The most popular stance is that of the arms crossed in front with hands under each arm pit while standing with head tilted slightly back. Although nobody of African American heritage does this anymore, it is mostly being kept alive today by out of touch white comedians and actors trying to act black. Usually accompanied by either a weak rhyme, beatbox or the term "yo".
"Rockin on the mic in a B-Boy Stance..." - RUN DMC
by LotusStyle August 8, 2005
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The excuse a man uses to dissuade others from thinking he is guilty of soliciting gay sex in an airport bathroom, whereby he "accidentally" placed his foot on the foot of the patron in the next stall. Predominantly seen in elected officials.
Senator Larry Craig: "I am not gay, I have never been gay, I did not approach an undercover officer in the airport and solicit gay sex. I simply have an unusually wide stance"
by Yo Yo CT January 30, 2008
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