Spreading cocaine on a dildo (preferably blue) and repeatedly gouging your butt hole to get high.
Drew: I want to do this cocaine, but my nostrils ache, any ideas Wendy?

Wendy: Smurf-it.
by bradddddddddd January 3, 2008
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A word meaning awesome, great, kool or any describing words like that.
Also a TV show staring 100 little blue people.
A kids show.
Smurf 1: "Man Did you see Janet last niight"
Smurf 2: "Oh yeah she was freaken smurf man"
Smurf 1: "I know hey she was so smurf"

Made up Episode:Smurf 1: "Man i found smurfet in bed with papa smurf last night"
Smurf 2: "ohhhhhh man to bad for you hey"
Smurf 1: "Yeah but i found a new lady called baby smurf who is so smurf"
by Cohenjd January 14, 2008
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A term given to dumb players in the Battlefield series. They sit around and do nothing while your squad does everything. Usually snipers on an attacking rush map, how are you going to get the objective by sitting back.
trammellk: Look at that dumbass smurf sitting in our spawn

WWADDICT: How the hell we supposed to win with players like that.

SublimeSouth: We should kill all the fucking smurfs!
by trammellk July 21, 2011
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Guy 1: Dude, what have you been doing?
Guy 2:Oh, i was out back choking a smurf.
by the charlie January 15, 2009
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Smurf-(noun)(adj.)1.a small woodland creature said to be three apples tall and blue

2.a censor word used to cover up profane language
1. That smurf stole my apples!

2. Shut the smurf up
by Avarael May 21, 2008
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Commonly used as a substitute for a swear word.
What the SMURFING SMURF are you SMURFING talking about you mother SMURFING SMURF please leave me the SMURT alone so i can rest in SMURFING peace! SMURFING thank you!
by chya mamma December 8, 2008
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