Its somewhere between a SKEEZER and a WHORE.. SLORE.
Ayo where's that Slore Jessica @ I heard shes sick wit the Domes Homez
by SOREALWITIT September 10, 2010
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Cross Between a slut and a whore henceforth making the word "slore"
by Suzy and Pauls friend August 29, 2004
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The Combonation between the words "Slut" and "Whore". Used to belittle a girl or woman in a fornicating manner.
"Wow James, That new girl Makayla is a real Slore, She's only been here for about 1 month, and she has already eaten about 24 punds of Dick."
by Nick Grinere April 24, 2006
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a combination of slay and whore. could also mean slut and whore (in a cunt boots way not an actual cunt way)

synonym: "Boss cunt bitch"

created by mason

published & edited by camoo
Mason: "I just made mad bread"

Henn: Slore!!!!!

Camoo: "U just ate the plate"

Mason: No, literally im sloring rn

Tuna: "Omg shes so pretty!!!!"

Camoo: Yeah babes she a slore
by caminolovesgravityfalls January 29, 2023
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A slore is a word that was made by combining the words 'Slut' and 'Whore' however the person that is being called a 'Slore' is usually so slutty that they bypass the typical meaning of slut.
Person 1: "OMG Alysha was hugging Bill, but she's dating Leon. She's such a slore"
Person 2: "What's a slore"
Person 1: "She's a slut, but she's also a whore"
Person 2: "Yeah, she is a slore"
by Psycho_Storia June 25, 2015
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