Blackpink paved their own way is a delulu statement 🤣. BTS paved the way and it's bc of them more people are looking into kpop.
Blackpink paved their own way
No delulu, it's bts paved the way
by StfuFad May 27, 2021
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BTS paved the way for kpop, thanks to them kpop is a popular music genre nowadays and a lot of people who don't listen to kpop know them because they are every talented and amazing people.
by Jjksleftshoe August 22, 2021
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promises and plans must be put into action, or else they are useless.
They didn't mean to ruin your birthday party. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, they probably just wanted to help.
by PurpleDragonFire September 28, 2016
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When an acquaintance starts a relationship everyone else knows will end in ruin.
Yeah the new girlfriend is great, but she's not going to settle down. He's just paving the prarie.
by Netsirkeel September 10, 2017
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The act in which a woman massages the area above her clitoris. Especially when this area is shaved in the shaped called a "landing strip".
Michelle started paving the runway everytime she heard Ryan's name.
by dowaijdaoifgjoiaf April 14, 2010
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Describes the process of vomiting on a public street.
Wow, Steve really did some crazy paving after the session last night.
by Burrito Lover December 5, 2008
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