The look given when someone is denied a seemingly innocuous right of friendship becuase of a lack of trust.
"No, I won't change in front of you. . . and don't give me that 'You don't trust me with your puppy on a leash look."
by BB Smith April 15, 2010
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another term for the top (in a gay relationship)
You know someone is the leash holder because they are the one to hold the phone when you’re looking at memes together.
by casual_vibes November 18, 2020
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A term for someone who cannot emotionally handle criticism or controversy of any sort. Based on kids who were put on leashes by their parents in public so they couldn't walk too far away.
BOSS: Hey I noticed that you were about 30 minutes late today, and it's not a big deal, but could you text me when you're on your way so that I know when to expect you?
EMPLOYEE: That's like a HUGE micro-oppression, you can't talk to people like that.
BOSS: Oh don't be such a leash baby!
by LuckyPython March 26, 2018
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A girl that keeps her boyfriend on a tight leash. She does not let him do whatever he wants or talk to any other girls. She is a jerk. She is typically ugly and insecure about herself and that is why she has no trust in her relationship. Typically because she keeps him on a tight leash he will go and find a younger girl. One who loves him
by The 8th grader that stole him November 24, 2021
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