Oh. My. GOD! It sucks so much! It looks like someone **** in the hard drive, plugged it in and, boom, there you go. But besides that, the code sucks too. Random lag on a LAN, crashes, kicks and a bunch of other crap that just sucks too. The game itself is boring and populated by idiots (direct quotes about team damage, from people complaining about TKers: "Its the skill of the game!" "i'll come back into the room only if you turn team damage on" (to which a friend of mine replies "So you can tk us?" (he says back "Exactly! TKing is fun! Its the best part of the game")

Besides that, its like the Beyonce` of games, really popular, but for no apparent reason. Wait, I take that back, Beyonce` is hot. Did I mention its just not fun? The flak turrets (essentialy the only anti-air devices in the game) take forever to actually hit something, and you need to hit a plane at least 6 times to actually destroy it, and it requires at least a football field of leading. The maps are so massive that the only way across is via vehicle, which the entire team usually ends up camping because of the previous statement. Otherwise, you get to do one of the only fun things in the game, which is to pilot really big ships. Even then, the fun doesn't last. The submarines best ability, being able to go underwater, is completley nerfed by the fact that when you do go underwater, all you can see is a background of what a submerged submarine supposedly looks like from the inside. No lock on torpedoes, no radar, no aiming up, even. The destroyers... Oh, the destroyers... I remeber passing another one and engaging in combat, and after destroying it, the explosion somehow travelled the 700-900 feet and went right into the place I was piloting the ship from. Damn realistic physics. What i'm trying to say is that the enemy ship sunk, mine didn't, but I died for no apparent reason... Other than that, there is the battleship, but people complain if you move it CLOSER to the objectives, since obviously, that would be a detriment to capturing them. Maybe its because the massive battleship has about the same armor as a goliath, and it takes about 10-15 defgun shots to utterly destroy... People complain about this, since they're too busy capturing the points to protect their own intital spawn point, and then complain about playing as a teammate... Oh, and the planes are impossible to fly... They have the same max speed as a skateboard and can hardly make it off the landing strip without a "pull-up pull up!!" moment... Oh, theres also incredibly slow swimming segments to get to land (the people who give a rats ass about realism should note that if the guns weren't covered in plastic (a la` Saving Private Ryan) they'd get waterlogged and not be able to shoot) without a boat, plane or mystical genie at which point you're pretty much a sitting duck, and cannot fire back or swim faster. At all. Theres also the deathmatch part of it... All I have to say is "good luck" since if you can actually find someone in the vehicle you inevitable used to get to the land, you deserve to kill them... Although, watch out, because realistically, if you try to go up too far, your plane starts to glide backwards like a kite. Realistically. And if you do land, the best tactic is to camp camp camp and camp some more. I even talked to one of the top 3 scorers post game and said all he did was stay in one place the whole game and hardly move an inch... Spawncamping in dive bombers is also an excellent tactic, as I followed and spectated the high scorer during the game, and you will never guess what he was doing. Ever. Never never never never.
Person 1: Lets go play SUPER REALISTIC battlefield online, so we can have fun. Realistic fun.
Person 2: Bull crap, Battlefield is as fun as dental work. Lets go play UT2k4
by Simon July 22, 2004
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A crappy game. It's main amount of crappiness come from the fact that it's totally awesome and then wouldn;t work on my computer when I bought it.
Dude, I got BR1942 finally, but it's all screwy on my computer! DAMMIT!
by Dan June 13, 2004
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A first-person shooter video game released by Dice and published by EA in 2011. Although it's graphics and physics are some of the most advanced graphics and physics ever made, the game is ridden with bugs and glitches. The gameplay is an overdone attempt at realism that ended up being more frustrating that challenging. Most of the players are either typical gamer no-lives or military fanatics who WILL yell at you if you say something that doesn't go hand-in-hand with what they teach you in boot Camp. Not to mention that EA loves to release tons of downloadable content for BF3 (as it does for all of it's games). These DLCs give players who can afford to dish out $15 per DLC a ton of overpowered, exclusive weapons.
Reasonable person: I wish Battlefield 3 had the classic AK-47 instead of this weird 'AK-74M' thing.


Reasonable person: Ok, but the 47 is much more recognizable and well-known to non-military people than the 74M. It's just plain cooler, that's all.


Reasonable person: <facepalm>

Game: 'Average BF3 player' killed 'Reasonable person' with 'overpowered DLC-only gun'
by Caesar31544 February 19, 2013
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Full of snobby white kids and giant asian cliques that are the only reason why BHS has such high test scores. The girls are easy and most lost their v card at Bull Run Middle. A big ass school full of big ass egos.
Horny? Battlefield High School has some nice sluts!
Wanna join the Battlefield High School drama club? You mean the weird misfits that choose the same shitty actors over and over again?
Anime club? aka the kids that scare the shit outta people
Wow, Battlefield High School sure is a big waste of a big building!
by Cookiestastegood May 9, 2016
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A school in Spotsylvania, VA where girls are just flat out hoes and carry around lip gloss and boys who only care about football. There are some weird kids who I found to be doing satanic stuff. The normal kids, just, they honestly don't care at this point.
Julia: what school do you go to?
Spark: battlefield middle school

Julia: I heard that school is ghetto !
Spark: well, whoever said that, they're not wrong!
by fuxk.bitxhes June 1, 2019
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Basically a bunch of retards who think they’re way more important than they are. Two months after going away to college many will realize the cold hard truth that no one gives a shit about them. Do not fuck with the marching band unless you want a bunch of dramatic shit heads babbling in your ear about shit you don’t care about. Lots of terrifyingly smart asians who all know french for some reason. All the black kids stand next to one wall in the middle of the school and make it even harder to get to class. Half the hispanic kids can’t speak english, but if they do, refer to the white girl/guy categories. Every white girl is either a dyke or so stuck up you can use them as a ruler on your art project. Every white guy juuls and dresses like their trying to get on the cover of a magazine called ‘douchebag weekly’. Don’t know what category you fit into, then your probably a Hick who ingests more Copenhagen than Oxygen, and thinks catching fish is interesting. Saving the worst for last, yep you guessed it! The dumbass white kids who wear supreme and listen to “Lil Pump” and say shit like ‘bet’ or ‘i’m hip’ in an attempt to escape the fact that they’re a spoiled rotten upper class retard who couldn’t be more white if they tried. In all fairness, I do love this school and only give people shit because I find it funny and nearly everyone who goes to this school has a fantastic sense of humor... and plus, we’re still better than Patriot. 10/10
Guy 1: “Yo, did that guy just geeb and then proceed to inject a juul pod directly into his blood stream?”
Guy 2: “Yeah...he probably goes to Battlefield High School.”
Guy 1: “I’m surpised he didn’t spill any on his supreme shirt.”
Guy 2: “Yeah, I’m sure the asians taught him the physics of how not to spill a single drop.”
by Chief Queef McGoo October 7, 2018
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High school in Haymarket, Virginia. Known for its abundant amount of rednecks who spend their free time fishing for bass and posting it on their instagram or putting the confederate flag on the back of their 6 wheel trucks. Where there are large groups of asian people and large groups of snoby white girls. Not to mention, the large amount of wannabe preppy fucks who like to consider themselves preppy when wearing a gay vinyard vines t-shirt who roam the school trying to pick up the flat white barbies. Also, where once in a while, an occasional fight randomly breaks out between two black girls. Where everyone likes to hop in their jeeps after school and head over to Tonys where they continue to act like jackasses. Where basically, everyone is a pretentious fuck no matter who they are.
Guy 1: "Hey Guy 2, Im an arrogrant prick who enjoys smoking pot and acting like a jackass in class. I also enjoy hanging out with my friends who, too, post abundant amounts of pictures of bass. Is Battlefield High School the place for me?"

Guy 2: *sees Guy 1's vinyard vines lanyard hanging out of his pocket*
"Yeh, man."
by youreallgoingtohell August 6, 2017
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