When a girl is drunk, a guy comes over and bangs her in all three holes very rapidly. Then when it's all over the girl doesn't know what happened.
Dude Richard there's the girl you flashed last weekend. I still don't think she knows what happened.
by yk2 October 30, 2008
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Flllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaasssshhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh, savior of the universe
by roco April 25, 2005
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To immediately, uncontrollably projectile vomit when exposed to a scenario so revolting that one's innards rush for the proverbial Fire Exit, i.e one's mouth.
When he saw the Hamburger Lady: no arms, no legs, remaining torso and head with 4th degree burns, though a trained trauma physician, he flashed on the floor, sending vomit bouncing back up to the bed on which her moaning body lay.
by LiquidLiquid June 6, 2015
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Flash is the act of expressing anger or annoyance by somewhat randomly snapping at someone.

Flash back is the act of flashing at a person who just flashed you.

Slang may or may not have originated in Sacramento (cousins there shared it with me).
He totally flashed at me today. See how it went down:

Person 1: Do you want to get pizza or tacos?
Person 2: . . .
Person 1: Do you want to get pizza or tacos?
Person 2: . . .
Person 1: Hellooooooo! Earth to Person 2! I said do you want to get pizza or tacos?
Person 2: Would you shut the f*** up? Can't you see I'm on the phone?!?!?! I couldn't care less about f***ing pizza or tacos. (flash)
Person 1: And I couldn't care less about you!! I'm out. (flash back)

by Alexa 3 October 9, 2006
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“Flash” is another term that originated from rock climbing. The term “flash” is used to describe a flawless climb. A climber can say that they flashed a climb if they went from bottom to top without hesitating or taking any falls.
I just flashed that 5.11 climb, did you see that? I’m the man!
by Csal May 5, 2011
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The feeling of beeing stoned.
Can be used as noun or adjective.
Man, I'm having a flash....

I feel the flash.....

I feel flashed.....
by HuMaNbEiNg June 18, 2005
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