The Acer Nitro 5 is a series of laptops made for gaming that is bundled with exclusive features that add to the gaming experience with high power. There are highlighted arrow and WASD keys, a button to check the CPU temperature, 4 vents, 2 fans, paired with a powerful RTX/GTX GPU and Intel/Ryzen CPU.
Guy1: I just got an Acer Nitro 5! It's amazing!
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by Csgvrdcidk May 29, 2022
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toe pics for nitro
Johnny: Hey bill ! Want some nitro?
Bill: Sure!
Johnny: Nice, send me some toe pics
Bill: Bet.
by phatazzez December 28, 2022
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French man: Look at that nitro
Man: what's nitro mean
French man: its french for nigga
by Beeeeueee August 28, 2021
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An awful cheat. Can also be typed as NNitro.
Yeah dude, that cheat is so nitro!!
by WoodTextureResolver September 4, 2021
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A car.
Guy- Hey, was that Percy that just drove by and threw up the peace sign at you?

Other guy- Yea, you know he's the kind of guy who would like to bring back the electric chair and put you there.

Guy- So he thinks I should straighten out according to his definition of straightening out or he wants me dead?

Other guy- He's not the only one, I know a girl named Percy, she would be the female version of this guy Percy, she even drives a Nitro like him.

Guy- Fuck, these are some dangerous people.
by Solid Mantis September 27, 2019
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