When you are feeling a bit hungry before a big meal, and you eat something small
If you have a meal at 6 but feeling hungry at 4, your feeling a bit nippy so you eat something small before the big meal
by Urbandictionaiire June 10, 2020
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A word to describe something good
Wow, that sex was very nippy
by Nippynippy September 18, 2021
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Slang for you look cool it means you look good
Person: hey do you like my fit
Other person: it looks nippy
by Istealdankmemes August 23, 2020
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A Snobby, white, whore, wannabe, who frowns in Lululemon. She also goes to every country concert with her white washed family. She also thinks everyone is a drug user, and that she is a child of Jesus. A nippy is also one who hates poor people as she thinks they will destroy her property
by Nut.in.her.butt.cookies January 15, 2019
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Nippies were like reaally into Mazzy Star.
by The Nippie November 17, 2019
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