slang word used by black youth to greet one another. used in place of 'homie', 'dude', etc. prevalent use within hip hop community.
what up my nigga! nigga please! hey nigga, where you been at?
by PR1MO December 7, 2005
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another form of the derogatory word Nigger used commonly by African American to address other people, mainly other African Americans.
by imlove82 May 2, 2007
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A word that shows just how racist everyone still is. Only blacks have the right to say this word that shows "brotherhood." Apparently, us non-blacks, whoever we may be, cannot make our own "brotherhoods" apparent. If a black guy says it, the world is cool. If a white boy says, in the same context, he will be bludgeoned.
Example #1
Black dude: Whas happenin nigga?
Other Black dude: Not much nig.

Example #2
White boy: Whas happenin nigga?
Black dude: Aww hell naw, ya racist son of a bitch, witchur KKK hoods and shit.

Can't we all just...get along?
by Scyfersythe January 3, 2008
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nigga, nigger..... whatever they are both words that should not be used by any race, black or white!!! It was a word used in the time of slavery to describe our ancestors. It meant that we were lower then dirt, less then human. The feelings associated with that word still exsit today and should not be used by anyone.
Get back to work you nigger! Get back to work you nigga! They both mean the same thing!!!
by Miami Chick 4 Life October 23, 2007
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A word used by blacks to maintain racial seperation and dwell on events over one hundred years ago.
Why does a black dude run away, when he hears the sound of a motorcycle


Because the motorcycle says "Run Nigga Nigga Run!"
by Agasi May 12, 2006
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1. A word widely used by black people who indulge in the hood culture. Means man, boy, or male, and dosen't have to be a black person. White people get confused all the time about, nigger and nigga which are entirely different words with different meanings.

2. male
That nigga George Bush is stupid.

That girl look like a nigga.

White dude: What up my nigga.
White guy: What up my nigga.
White dude: It feels so cool to call outsleves nigga.
White dude: I know, I wish i was black.

by detown hustla October 26, 2006
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Nigga is a word that means my friend my homie my dog etc. It is and only can be used by African-American, Latino,or Arabian peoples that has a ghetto backround, peoples from tha projects.Nigga can't be used by a White dude unless u wanna die or get yo ass kicked reall good n I mean real good anybody who white cant say that shit.
WhiteMan: Wuddup nigga!!
BlackMan:(Loadin gun)... Oh hell no CALT CLAT!!!
BlackMan:Wuddup nigga
BlackMan: wuddup money
Latino: Wuddup nigga
BlackMan/Latino: wuddup
Arab:Wuddup nigga
BlackMan/Arab:wuddup cuz
by Voice of ma peoples April 2, 2006
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