The Goy Effect is when a person(s) blindly tells you something about yourself that is not true. They use this as a winning argument to discredit what you had previously said.
John: Did you know that Jews are actually Satanists?
Jim: That wouldn't make since, Satanists do not push beliefs/proselytize. It is against our nature.
John: Come on, of course you push your beliefs. Nobody in their right mind would follow the Devil.
Jim: Obviously you are just stupid. Do your research next time.

Jim Later: *thinking* The Goy Effect really brings out the worst in people. Maybe they should do their research next time..
by Acrosvale March 25, 2023
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A term used against non-jews in their religion.
Jew: Are you an jew?
Person: No.
Jew: Then you're goy.
Person. I'm not gay fuck you
Jew: I said goy.
by xx_thotslayer_xx April 16, 2018
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Girl 1: I look so good in this picture.
Girl 2: Goy girl.
by Emrsn June 2, 2019
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(plural goyim): a very offensive term for a non-monotheist or idol-worshiper

N.B: this is a politically incorrect and media-ignored, but historically and culturally correct definition, based on The Shem-ah Israel, the holiest prayer in Judaism.
Since Jews are defined, by The Shem-ah Israel, as solely monotheists ( to be interpreted by Jews a as a scientific thesis), by antithesis, a goy thus becomes not only a non-Jew (offensive, media-defined, but culturally and historically incorrect definition of a goy) but also a non-monotheist
by Sexydimma July 27, 2013
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N.B: this is a politically incorrect, but historically and culturally correct definition, based on The Shem-ah Israel, the holiest prayer in Judaism.

(plural goy'yim, not goyim):

a) "nation" ( i.e. a nation outside The 12 Tribes of Israel) in Aramaic

b) (used between and among Jews only) a very offensive term for a non-monotheist and/or a heathen
Since Jews are defined, by The Shem-ah Israel, as solely monotheists, by antithesis, a goy thus becomes not only a non-Jew (offensive, but culturally and historically incorrect definition of a goy in a post-Crusades worldview) but also a non-monotheist.
by Sexydimma April 30, 2014
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N.B: this is a politically incorrect, but historically and culturally correct definition, based on The Shem-ah Israel, the holiest prayer in Judaism.

(plural goy'yim, not goyim):

a) "nation" ( i.e. a nation outside The 12 Tribes of Israel) in Aramaic

b) a very offensive term for a non-monotheist or idol-worshiper
Since Jews are defined, by The Shem-ah Israel, as solely monotheists ( to be interpreted by Jews a as a scientific thesis), by antithesis, a goy thus becomes not only a non-Jew (offensive, but culturally and historically incorrect definition of a goy) but also a non-monotheist.
by Sexydimma January 20, 2014
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