A slang word to describe cocaine. Usually this lingo is used between the drug dealer and the customer to ensure that no one else knows what you are talking about it. Cricket is used becuase it's a symbol of silence so it implies that we should keep our illegal buisness a secret and not be too flashy about it.

Other Slang terms go along with this to describe the potency of the cocaine like "chirp". Cricket that makes you chirp can be translated to cocaine that is good quality which causes you to feel the effects more strongly.
Yo, this cricket is making me chirp!
Hey, can I get some cricket from you?
This cricket made me chirp all night and I couldn't sleep!
He met someone in the bathroom with cricket and he'll be chirpping all night!
Break out some lines or cricket, I want to chirp!
My snowman has to re-up on some cricket and then we can chirp chirp!
by MemphisCEO October 25, 2010
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when you have sex with your friends mom, come on her stomach, and tell her to go make brownies
nick was angry at Chris when he found out that he had given his mother the cricket, but was happy he had brownies for a snack later that day
by launmower October 13, 2008
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Annoying "Hoes" "Cunts" or "Sluts" who will constantly bug the shit out of you and don't shut up such as a cricket making noises.
Yo dog I got these crickets on my tip! I already tapped one but the rest wont cut it.

Hey bro you know these crickets? The one cricket in the middle is annoying as fuck!

sluts bug hoe cunts sexual cricket
by Ant41793 January 6, 2011
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The equivalent to being Lame, dumb, or just plain no fun...ever.
I know Missouri State is full of a lot of "cricket like" girls.
by jwass428 August 2, 2009
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Shit Sport if you play it get off crack
If you play cricket you're probably named Andrew and your high on crack bruv
by theurbanmaster101010 November 18, 2019
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a person who engages in sex with alot of different people more than a couple times a day or week, kinda like a bedhopper they jump from person to person.
by C. Smizzle June 28, 2007
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