Used to describe unusually large calf muscles on a person due to obesity, exercise, or heredity.

Derived from the knowledge that a calf is a small version of a cow.
Suzy doesn't have calves, she has cows!
by mtre August 20, 2006
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Playstation 2 fanboys are often reffered to as Cows in the Gamespot system wars forum
The Cows have been owned, DMC 2 flopped!!11!! its true 5 starz!!11!
by Tarik January 13, 2004
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When a man is behind a girl and the girl is on all fours, the man must "bust" then just knock her over to either his left or right. (somewhat resembling traditional cow tipping)
I got that girl on all fours but she kept on nagging so I had to go cowing.
by buggy07740 January 21, 2010
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big black and white animals that live in the country and sit on their lazy fat asses and eat and shit grass all day. mooooooo!
a cuz be careful there are COWS on this road.
by carlos999 March 12, 2009
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Terrifying fat horses with arses where their faces should be and 6 penises that other cows suck on.
Totally evil and useless other than that magic mushrooms can be found in fetid slabs of their excrement.
Mushroom picker: Gosh isn't it lucky theres no cows in this field at the moment !?
Cow: moo
Mushroom picker: arg!!!
Cow: moo
More cows: moo moo
*all that was found was a muddy bobble-hat*
by ewan January 3, 2005
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To stand in four paws while eating grass and pooping, then peeing white stuff.
Hey, John! Did you see the man on the street cowing?

Yes, Anna! We should hide our kids!
by YesILikePizza February 8, 2021
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Hasn't mastered the space cow level yet and will eat you while you're sleeping if they feel like it.
by The Space Cow February 28, 2022
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