A repetition of the same few annoying commercials over and over again.
Jim: Didn't I just see that Libeety Mutual commercial during the last commercial break?
Mike: Yeah, it's just one of those Olympic Commercials.
by haksaw August 5, 2012
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A person who isn't actually Christian but celebrates known christian holidays. They also may have weddings with priests usually to not offend a very religious family member. (i made this up because i pretend to be christian around people but i am a athiest)
I do more of the christian things you see on tv, you could call me a commercial christian.
by shooktothecorern April 28, 2019
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1. Beer Commercial - (verb) - the act of pouring a carbonated beverage in such a way that the foam meniscus rises above the top of the glass and flows down the side.
Hey! Be careful pouring that or it's gonna beer commercial all over the floor.
by shisson February 8, 2013
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Commercial dumb is the idiocy the people in TV commercials tend to show. They say and do things that no one in the right mind would ever do in reality. And the others in the ad are so dumb that they don't even find that behavior bizare.
Typical commercial: Retard #1 Duhhhhhh!!! This cell phone from Verizan Wireless can makes me cool!!! I'm gonna pull down my pants!
Retard #2 Wow what a great phone!! Now we can text each other! (Not noticing that retard #1's pants are down.
A real example would be an AT&T commercial in which someone looking out the window thought he was watching HDTV.
TV viewer: Those guys are so commercial dumb.
by I hate commercials July 29, 2008
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A typically indie or alternative-rock song that has a good beat and/or catchy lyrics, making it likely to be used in a television commercial.
Person A: Listen to this new Phoenix song!
Person B: It's good... but it sounds familiar. I think I've heard it before.
Person A: Yeah, it's commercial music
by AdmitIthipsters May 28, 2010
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When a man does something stupid a/o embarrasing a/o frivolous
for the "LOVE" of a woman.
OIL TRADER:..."So we're walking through the park...and we drop a blanket on the grass at the amphitheater...and as I
poured wine for us,I had JEFFREY OSBOURNE come out on stage and sing LOVE BALLAD...at which point I presented her with a 4ct. rock.-and a proposal.Cool,yeah?"

ARMS DEALER:"That is so fucking DIAMOND COMMERCIAL.Don't repeat it to anyone else.Congratulations."
by L.MARTIN December 5, 2005
A commercial violator is a person who has a flagrant disregard for the unwritten laws of TV commercials. To elaborate, the general rule is that when you are watching tv with others and a commercial comes on, you are free to tell whatever idiotic story you like, but when the commercial break ends, the story must be completely finished.

A commercial violator tends to have an endless supply of crappy stories about how their day went. This person does not sit down with the group with the intent of watching tv, but rather conveying some sort of story to the group. As the commercial violator begins their story, the keeper of the remote turns down the volume of the tv to be courteous. The situation quickly goes awry as soon as the commercial is over and the end of the story is nowhere in site.

One must avoid watching tv with commercial violators at all cost. However, if you find yourself in posession of the remote and a commercial violator's story is exceeding its alloted time, it is adviseable that you very discreetly turn up the volume on the television set until he/she stops.
person A: Yeah so I was trying to watch mythbusters the other day and my mom was being a total commercial violator. She was telling some crappy story about something funny she saw on C-Span.
person B: God damnit. How was the situation resolved?
person A: It wasn't, she finished her story and I missed half the fucking show. I did not get my Kari Byron dose of the week.
person B: NOT COOL!
by Skeeter McDougal September 29, 2005
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