The feeling of being scared and sexually aroused at the same time.
Damn, this ghost looked hella scary but her body is packing, I think I might have a cold boner...
by H-Ero March 7, 2022
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To jerk yourself over sometime that is not considered normal.

Similar to cold starting your engine if your wang was a engine.
Yummy look at that hot car! I might go home and have a cold pull over it.
by Hatfishing king November 29, 2018
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To score drugs, usually heroin, from a source you have not met before by going to a known drug spot or driving around in the ghetto. originates in philly
yo man, my connect is dry. feinds blowin him up all day an he sold out. tryna go to somerset to cold cop? i'll be the walker this time
by Kewawskeh December 27, 2011
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To copy homework with no understanding of how to do it. Typically accomplished in the 10 minutes before said homework is due.

Originates from the Colorado School of Mines, where cold spiking is so revered that every year they award a prize for the best spiker.
Hey Jeremy! Let me cold spike your thermo or I'll beat you bloody.
by Spjorkster March 10, 2005
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Nachos for the laziest of the lazy.

Preparation Instructions:
-Get a bag of shredded cheese

-Get a bag of Tostitos

-Sprinkle shredded cheese on a Tostito and shove into your mouth

They’re nachos but with no plate, no microwave, and no dignity.
My bed is full of cheese and chip crumbs from all the cold nachos I’ve been eating.
by coldnachoqueen April 4, 2019
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In a television show or movie, where it opens by going straight into a scene without any set-up or explanation.
The T.V. show HOUSE is known for its cold openings.
by Peter W.N. April 16, 2008
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