Derogatory word for a white person (instead of cracker, etc). This comes from the thought that white people have skin "as white as a cheesecake."
That cheesecake can't dance.
by LeeuRex March 26, 2009
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A cake made of cheese, cheese and cake...cheese and cake...if it wasn't already an established dessert, would you eat it? Would you? No i thought not...unless you happen to be a goat...

(in the same way that carrot cake is wrong, a vegetable cake?)
"want some cheesecake?"
"WHAT!??!? cake?...
...oh go on then"
by Fiffles August 16, 2004
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A cover word for any kind of Oral Sex.
Dude 1: Did you hear about Brad? He had some AWESOME cheesecake last night.

Dude 2: Man, he's so lucky. I fucking love cheesecake. Alyssa always has good cheesecake.
by alb123 August 30, 2010
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Spunking on a girls face and then punching her in the nose. The resulting nosebleed combined with the cum makes it look like a strawberry cheesecake.
Man I gave Joan some cheesecake last night!
by babygirlscrivs August 4, 2010
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When a women gives a man a handjob, ending load in her hand. She then slaps the semen into the mans taint. Then proceeds to lick it out.
Lisa: Stan, can I give you a Handjob?

Stan: Only if you catch the semen, slap my taint, and eat it?

Lisa: Where I'm from we call that a Peruvian Cheesecake.
by Carpetmuncher. October 10, 2013
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When a person commences to end their life gradually, by overeating.
Death by cheesecake is seductive because although each bite brings joy, it also brings a slow and painful demise.
by Dr Bunnygirl August 5, 2019
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