When one starts their bulking cycle, typically the higher caloric intake (and often, a high fiber intake) leads to greatly increased release of gas, often with potent fragrance.
Rob decided to get back on his bulk around the winter time. As he wolfed down another cup of oats, he felt his belly rumble and churn loudly and strongly. It wouldn’t be long until the Bulking Gas set in he thought grimly.
by health&wellness54 September 25, 2020
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meaning something which is majorly bad. It can be used in a similar connotation to boring or shit to describe an activity, its just a much better word to use :)

Also is something is not totally bad it can just be gay bar, ie not good
gay bar lame shit boring gay uncool
i.e. gosh our party has been cancled 2nite cos timmos mum sed he cant have it at him house, this is BULK gay bar shes ruined all our plans.
by Aussie Skiier August 11, 2006
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1. A sex act in which an individual uses his or her bulked bicep to stimulate a man's penis. The member is placed inside the oiled elbow while the partner flexes his or her bicep, massaging the shaft of the penis.

2. Generally, when two body builders have intercourse
David: "Last night this chick I met on Tinder bulk banged me. I will never look at Arnold Schwarzenegger the same way again."
by CRJguy September 29, 2018
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Strongest man on earth, the only one who could defeat Thanos
Look! here comes Mr. Bulk, our lord and savior!
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When someone has gone through a breakup, they go Dam she left because of weakness. You decided to bulk and cut over and over.
That bloke went through the breakup bulk, bro reps 185.
by ThyCuckNorris September 25, 2023
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Bulking is known as the muscle-building stage, which calls for eating more calories than you burn, coupled with intense weight training for a set period of time. Then there's cutting — the phase where you cut back on calories in an effort to shed body fat while maintaining muscle mass to the best of your ability.
gym bro: dude, bulking or cutting?
me: bro definitely bulking
by thedemonunderyourbed February 2, 2023
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