the end of your fat juics COCK or a silly man like you
random man: i dont want to play cards

MC Devvo: you what dickhead

random man: (very scared)

MC Devvo what are you doing u stupid bellend
by 67892035 January 5, 2021
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A bellend is a person who wears any type of clothery from spurs or any London club
"Morgan is a bellend she has a spurs hat and mask"
by shehgsgwbwe October 8, 2020
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Someone who sits on a kiddy size JCB wearing a striped guess T-Shirt, Palace socks stretched up their shins and BlacK Vans
by xx_blazeit_xx April 13, 2018
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literally means the end of a cock.

general fucking idiot. nobody likes a bellend.

self obsessed twat that usually smellf
‘how’s your brother?’
‘oh, he’s being a fucking bellend.’
by fucking slag September 29, 2022
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A type of dick head but is circumcised like a filthy Jew. A bellend is either a stupid erotic cunt that likes to toy around with his last bit of foreskin while in the shower with his brother or a prick who cant get his hands of his cock because his sex drive is on a different scale of Jimmy Savile. Chavs use this word a lot because their all circumcised little spazstics. You could also refer a bellend to a bald bloke or a leukaemia infested human.
Jimmy: Boys i managed to stretch my foreskin out so wide my bros head could fit in it

Will: *calls child protection services

Luke: Oi Bellend, your scalps got enough sun you orange looking bastard

Bellend: Cries in Leukaemia
by Straight as Jimmy November 8, 2020
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