The concept of respecting another's gacha pulls by respecting their targeted limited banner. This includes not rolling on the said banner to keep the "believed" pool to be abundance ready for their picking.
Friend 1: A guildmate of mine was pulling for Nian, I didn't need her so I ignored the banner to avoid deprivation of the limited pool.
Friend 2: You do realize Respect Banner Targeting isn't real?
by Alexiel F.G.O September 17, 2020
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Slightly annoying very funny banner obsessed loves his dogs
Noah banner boy is obsessed with banner
by I am nothing and no one October 27, 2020
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When a person creates a banner for their facebook wall and a person tags them in a picture so the banner is moved over and therefore, ruined.
Dude, I just got a new Justin Bieber banner but some kid tagged me in a photo so its ruined!

It looks like that dude is definately a Banner Buster.
by Youngums February 16, 2011
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Bruce Banner Penis Syndrome (otherwise known as BBPS or being a 'grower not a shower) is what happens when your penis is soft it is small and when hard it is large.

Much as how when Bruce Banner is calm he is small and puny Banner, and when he is angry he is huge and angry Hulk.
Girl: Hey are you a grower or a shower?

Guy: I actually have Bruce Banner Penis Syndrome

Girl: a grower?
by That ass July 23, 2022
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A bedsheet, normally white in colour with discolouration, hung over a pedestrian walkway or bridge in the Plymouth area visible to passing motorists either painted or penned denoting a birthday or special occasion. Usually left in situ for days, weeks, or months after the occasion.
‘Ere it’s Stevo’s bifday next week, let’s put up janner banner for him near asdas so everyones can see it. I’ve got some cum sheets we can use and I nicked some paint from Homebase last week.
by Plymouth Boy February 27, 2023
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When you display all of your highest achievements on a game before you log off for the last time
You haven’t quit the game until you make a retirement banner
by Bob-Ross June 17, 2024
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