129 definitions by MineOwedWu's

Based of NASB

Wrote In Palindrome's
Like Yahweh(double edge sword)
Forward and reverse audio

Li serve the first seal
Li seal with the white seal
Li's sell marken the conquest seal
Li stay with the second seal
Li snake the sun the red seal
Li's the one the war seal
Li stirr with the third seal
Li scale with the black seal
Li name my foot the famine seal
Li stove with the fourth seal
Li slay with the pale seal
Li's thank god the death seal
Li's faith with the Fifth seal
Li's sir trumpet, The Martyrs seal
Li's step martian, The trumpets seal
Li's Sket sin The Sixth Seal
Li's, Sir ray taught, The Terror Seal
Li Sleh'ath, The Hell Seal
Li's never sin, The seventh seal
Li scare god, The Great Seal
Li saw gun, The God seal
The Seven Seals So who changed sun wu's name
by MineOwedWu's August 15, 2021
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Knows Dude
Dude'son, Know's dude.

A Uniliminal message, i saying that sounds the same way both ways.
by MineOwedWu's January 22, 2021
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Diabooyas are a 1920's slang term for mordern money.

"Scan the beer, Good Good, thats more diabooya's. Yeah Adrian you can play another, and I'll shame with this."

"Just Like the gleam of the man called Sun Wu" Too Much Monkey Business by Chuck Berry, Subliminal Message.
Life isn't all about sex and diabooya's, but if listen closely you can hear Rick Flare... Wuuuu
by MineOwedWu's January 14, 2021
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Money duh, use every form of Tao(w) good and bad as one army.
One World Government,
by MineOwedWu's July 29, 2021
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Is the act of making a uniliminal message, and translating into latin and playing it in reverse and decode the multiple languages that pop up, repeat
The Gold Tongue is a way to see people who hand wu well.
by MineOwedWu's June 17, 2021
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