axed-to be cut off from social contact
when someone messes with your
crew for the last time and all
contact with this person is
terminated 100% - they are
axed person "hey how r u?"
person who axed them walks
away without acknoledgement
of their exsistense
by karlos karlito April 13, 2004
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How OJ Simpson might say "Ask". On his part, it would be a pun intended... or maybe not.
"Can I ax you a question?" (Pray that OJ Simpson never "ax"s you this.)
by Nickidewbear August 20, 2011
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the best smelling deodorant body spray there is.
girl:"when jared wears axe it turns me on"
other girl:"yeah me too, other stuff makes me gag
by jon1243 May 15, 2005
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That guy looks like he uses axe body spray. (That guy seems like a douche)
by Komuhhdee January 14, 2015
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another kinky term used for people that have both mommy and daddy issues. They mostly have a very intense Fdom or Msub kink
guy A: i really want a AXE type of girl.

Guy B: No, i am a AXE guy

girl A: hey guy b wanna date i am a AXE
by Kathrine lawes January 30, 2021
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Like "ask" but more stupid.
I been meanin to ax you, is this how to speak English?

by A reptilian January 22, 2019
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taking the axe bottle and spraying random people who you don't even know.

"You have just been AXED"
Lee holding Sara's arm and in a fighting stance spraying her continously.
by KelseyNSara February 19, 2005
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