People who have lighter skin color
A white person just robbed that bank
A group of white people just saved my child from being hit by a car
by Boolin September 17, 2015
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Not really a race. Basically anyone that is of european descent (swedish, german, french, etc) except Italians. They actually get to identify with their specific race. The over-generalization of a group of people. People love to say their ancestors were violent which only applies to some white people.
All germans are white but not all white people are germans.
by mrsawesome22 August 16, 2015
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People who are white.

No further generalisations are valid. A specific white person might be kind, cruel, rich, poor, privileged, disadvantaged, smart, stupid, tolerant, or intolerant—just like all other humans.

Anybody who makes any further generalisations (good or bad) is, whether they like it or not, prejudiced.
"Yesterday I saw some white people spit on a homeless guy".
"Yesterday I saw some white people feeding a homeless guy".
by Gloone August 29, 2015
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That awkward moment when you realise these Creatures are ironically not even white at all LOL they are pink or beige but due to their inferiority complex they call themselves white . Oh Yh did I mention they are just pure evil hateful creatures the spawns on the devils notice how the devils are painted red ... I ask you now what Color are Europeans when they turn angry ? Exactly ... red .
Which race has commited the most genocides , started world wars , invaded 95% of the worlds land area and is filled with pure hate ?

White people
by Pepsilover_444 February 12, 2021
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White Peopling or 'White Peoplings is used when talking about the weird white people living in the world without generalising them all as a race.
the white peoplings be at it again with their foolishness
by SkrillaNW April 13, 2020
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Unlike what most shitheads on this site say. White people are individuals of European descent with lighter skin. Nothing more, nothing less. White people have been hated on for many years for something that no white people have participated in today such as colonialism in Africa and in the Americas, cheating Native Americans out of their own land, spreading smallpox and killing 90% of their population as they hadn't built immunity to the virus. Initially, Native Americans were going to be the slaves of Europeans, but because too many of them were dead, Europeans resorted to shipping West Africans to their colonies, so that they could produce, sugar, rice, alcohol and pick up cotton etc. Despite the sinister history of Europeans, this does not mean it is OK to bash Europeans. It's like bashing Arabs for the minority of terrorists and bashing Germans for the holocaust. Ironically, some Minorities complain about being oppressed, when they literally say racist shit to white people. Essentially those people should know better and should grow up and stop being ungrateful little shits as white people are doing the best they can to help fix race relations. Take BLM for example! Most who participate in the protests are white, it obviously exemplifies that most white people have a good heart and have no hate whatsoever in them.
White people are individuals with less melanin, that's all. Stop with the racist definitions.
by Rotten Turkey June 13, 2021
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White people. Strong enough to carry the burden of creating and maintaining civilization. Responsible for nearly all technological advances in the past hundred. Recently turned suicidal, opening their nations borders and importing their destruction in the form of illegals and refugees. Unless something is done, this species whose population globally is already endangered, could continue to disappear taking with them all the gifts they have given to others.
I love those White people.
by No traveler returns September 13, 2018
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