(n.) What has been done for a very long time, although rarely recorded. Custom and tradition can often over-rule statute law.
An example of custom and tradition is leaving newspapers outside a newsagents' in the early morning, allowing them to be taken by passers by. The delivery company does not have to change its' ways legally because ti falls under custom and tradition, and this practice dates back to the first instances of newspapers in the western world.
by Gumba Gumba June 3, 2004
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Oh being held comically hostage by a reality monster that till burn your souls forever if you do a book wrong...
Hym "And held further hostage by the literal people burning cosmic slaves of the reality monster.... That's the centuries of tradition... Do what I tell you or I'll burn you alive and the a mad Jim Jaspers type is going to burn you forever after I burn you... That's the tradition. But we stopped burning you though guys! We stopped burning you (the creature is still going to burn you) but now we just cannibalize you in abstraction guys.. We're fine now..."
by Hym Iam August 15, 2023
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Any sort of hentai involving the Japanese language, and/or a whiney victim.
Dude, did you see any Japanese tradition last night?
Nah, just 5 fat guys and tentacles.
by Charlie Fagbag February 9, 2015
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How something/someone is accepted in society, usually explained as a term of perspective
"If we're being traditional, the American government is mediocre."
by TheAlmightyDefinition June 19, 2022
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It is who lives the tradition - from the Latin traditio, tradere = "to transmit", "hand over". It is based on the preservation of culture, weltanschauung, myths, spirituality, moral values, virtue, loyalty, honor, respect for ancestors, asceticism, wisdom, and timeless ancient teachings and philosophies.

It does not deny the present, however, respects the past, to ensure the future.
"The traditional is distinct from its contemporaries, a timeless survivor."
by tradical May 25, 2023
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Someone who lives the tradition - from the Latin tradere (to transmit, to hand over, to give for safekeeping). Has an aristocratic lifestyle (in its true sense) not necessarily belonging to the wealthier classes of society. One who is interested in autochthonous cultures, history, arts, mythologies, transcendence, philosophy, high culture, good manners, refined language, education and intellectuality. Gives enormous value to dilettantism, refinement and the aesthetics of details, is a dissident of the vulgar.
Being traditional is to keep improving and transmitting achievements and values over the years, adapting to the current reality, without losing the original essence.
by tradical October 31, 2022
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